Campaign Kit offers these types of campaigns:

  • Crowdfunding/Standalone
  • Peer-to-peer
  • Team

It also offers a donation page (coming soon).


Campaigns of this type have a single campaign page with a defined end date and/or campaign amount. They are created by the site owner.


These campaigns have a parent campaign, created by the site owner, and child campaigns, which are created by registered site users.

The parent campaign sets the overall goal and optional end date. Users visit the parent campaign page and initiate creating their own campaign with its own unique URL and goal. The end date for child campaigns is the same as the end date of the parent campaign. Administrators can turn off particular child campaigns.

Users can share the parent campaign (if the site owner allows donations directly to that campaign) or their own child campaigns if they chose to make one.

Donations to the parent campaign are allowed but the administrator can turn this off.


A team is for competition. Campaigns can have an unlimited number of teams and the donor can select their team when donating.

Donation Page

Create a donation page if you do not want a campaign i.e. a specific donation goal and/or a specific end date.