Campaigns are managed by an external payment service (such as Stripe) and by Campaign Kit.

When a recurring payment is set up, the external service is able to contact the donor when payment problems occur such as credit cards reaching their expiry dates.

External and Campaign Kit Ownership

When using Payment Stripe (PS) and similar systems, they manage the data and Campaign Kit uses their API to ask the payment processor for the latest information (campaign status, campaign transactions, etc.).

  • Set up PS and use that information to set Payment Stripe module at your site. Create a campaign in your site, Campaign Kit will record the donation and transaction made by the user.
  • Campaign Kit updates both donation and transaction in the database of your site.
  • Payment occurs on your site. Thus Payment Stripe handles decline recaptures (failed credit card payment attempts) and other more technical features.
  • They own most of the data, Campaign Kit just updates and records the data and displays them.
  • Payment Stripe is set up for Standalone, Parent, and Child campaigns.