Automated Testing Kit D7 contains useful utilities for end-to-end testing using Playwright.

If you are looking for documentation of the D10+ version, go here.

Join the Slack Drupal channel at #automated_testing_kit to discuss the Kit.

Here are some of the features of the module:

  • logging in, logging out and registering new users (with email confirmation at
  • reset password (with email confirmation at
  • user creation and deletion via Drush
  • getting usernames, Drupal UIDs
  • awareness of the QA Accounts module
  • executing drush commands via aliases or to Pantheon via Terminus (useful for setup and teardown)
This works on the native OS (i.e. macOS/Linux), native OS + a container (via DDEV/Lando/Docksal) 
or within a container.

The module contains tests and library functions only for Playwright.