Development Machine

This is typically a developer machine where the site and the tests are edited:

Extra Modules

  • Contact module (in Drupal 7 core). Enable the Contact Us for test (ATK-XX-1050) Contact Us form accepts input, sends email. to work.
  • The contributed Media module. Install and enable the Media module for (ATK-XX-1130) Create, update, delete an image via the UI. to work.
  • A mailer such as SMTP. The registration and forgot password tests send emails. Use SMTP or similar modules to send emails.
  • XML Sitemap. Tests ATK-XX-1070 ad ATK-XX-1071 require this module.

Target Drupal Server

The target server, which may be on Staging, Production or a preview furnished by Tugboat, has the same requirements as the Development Drupal Machine with these exceptions:

  • Playwright is not required on the target server.
  • Automated Testing Kit D7 needs to be on the Target server for certain Drush commands and tests to work. For example, "(ATK-XX-1071) Regenerate sitemap files," uses the custom Drush command fprop and the entity tests need the hooks that inject nids, vids, tids and mids to run. If you do not want to install ATK D7 on the target server, copy the fprop command and hooks to your installation.


  • minimum requirements to run Playwright (Node version 17+). It's best to use a recent version of Node.