Using Bootstrap4 as base theme
SASS compilation:
SASS compilation is no longer in the theme
- Optional use [Bootstrap4 Tools]( module
- Download and install bootstrap4_tools module
- Or install SASS compiler
Install SASS compiler (Recommended):
Inside of the theme:
- cd html/themes/custom/performant_labs
- Install development dependencies by running `npm install`
- Install SASS compiler (
- Run: npm install -g sass
- Run: sass --version. (to be sure it was installed correctly)
- Update import path in `themes/custom/performant_labs/scss/style.scss` to Bootstrap 4 theme path to your docroot `@import '../../../../themes/contrib/bootstrap4/scss/style';`
- To compile SASS inside the custom theme “performant_labs” run:
- sass scss/style.scss css/style.css
- Clear cache
- Done (you should see the styles changes on the site)